formmating and design

Formatting and Design

Formatting and Design

This is our finishing room. The purpose of formatted text is to improve the way information is presented. At KP, we have experts who control all your texts before it’s published and pays attention to text formatting, and in doing so, they control how texts appears, they look keenly at the text size, color and fonts, text alignment, spacing, letter case, paragraphing etc.

Interior and Cover Designing

Designing is one of the most important sellable attributes of any book.Our team offers a professional interior design service, we give your book the structure that makes it stand out in the crowd. We are a team of book lovers, so we are very familiar with readers friendly book design technics. The interior design of a book is a key factor to the reader’s experience of the book. People buy very interesting books and end dropping them without reading passed the first chapter because the book is poorly designed. Professional interior design coupled with well edited content, makes your book irritably attractive to read.

Cover design is the winning card. A low content book with a good cover will easily make better sells than a high content book with a poorly designed cover. Our graphic design team takes them to understand the concept of the book and then design a cover that is eye catching and explicit. professional book cover is the number factor that pulls the attention of potential buyers. we design professional covers unique to your book at affordable rates. We advise our authors and clients to always chose our design services for best results.

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